PsyFi DeFi Options Vaults

As an integral part of the PsyFi ecosystem, PsyVaults played a pioneering role in introducing DeFi Options Vaults on the Solana chain. As the product evolved to accommodate additional features, its complexity naturally increased, leading to a UI experience that presented a significant amount of information and details. Our primary objective in this project was to simplify the interface while retaining essential information and functionality, all the while ensuring that the existing UI framework remained intact to avoid a major overhaul. Striking this balance was essential to deliver an optimized user experience without compromising the platform's capabilities.







psyfi vaults ui
psyfi vaults ui
psyfi vaults ui
psyfi vaults ui
psyfi vaults ui
psyfi vaults ui
psyfi defi ui
psyfi defi ui
psyfi defi ui
psyfi defi ui
psyfi defi ui
psyfi defi ui
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